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Publication Date
- Rogers Lab Animal bill clears Budget Bureau; Staggers is now final step to hearings
- 150,000,000 people hear about major animal cruelties
- HSUS acts to protect abused mules as Poor People's March reaches the Nation's Capital.
- Upsurge of violence shows need to affirm "Reverence for Life"
- Pet tattoo protects only when registered with national agency
- HSUS goes to Pribilofs to find way to stop cruel seal clubbing
- Branch appoints new excecutive director; Plans broad program
- Minnesota work gains state-wide support by publicity program
- Former editor joins national HSUS board
- HSUS affiliate opens big new animal shelter
- HSUS affiliate rescues suffering animals from cruel kennel operation
- Pound seizure threat killed in New Jersey
- Branch holds second successful workshop on humane education
- Wild mustangs in Montana face threat of extermination; BLM attitude considered arbitrary
- Three arrested and convicted in New Jersey for cruelty to dogs consigned to research facility
- Books for Libraries helping to publicize ordeals of animals
- How a rodeo failed - Mrs. Horatio A. Spector
- USLSA drafting model state law to protect many kinds of animals
- Texas coon contests continue; Officials look the other way
- New Jersey may outlaw release of impounded animals to research
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 13(4)" (1968). News of HSUS 1968. 2.