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Publication Date
- Suicidal split over enforcement agency poses serious threat to protection of research animals
- Judge rules against bloodless bullfight promoters in Miami
- West Coast affiliate building advanced education center as part of big expansion program
- Branch executives to meet in late January
- Animal welfare...Texas style
- Takeover of Wisconsin society fails; Members oust research forces
- Clean-up of "Sadismo" dramatizes lack of product control in films
- Good animal control bill introduced in New Jersey Senate
- First of the Month
- Thousands of pets are killed needlessly in Hawaii rabies scare
- Branch program helps recover lost, stolen dogs in Connecticut
- USDA veterinarians honored for work on Animal Welfare Act
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 13(1)" (1968). News of HSUS 1968. 5.