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Publication Date
- Bill aimed at cruel soring practices is new before Congress
- HSUS drive to stop cruelty in Alaska seal harvest continues; Progress made in several areas
- Kindness Club founder presents United States charter to NHEC; Drive for new members launched
- Non-profit spay clinic should help reduce N.Y.'s big cat surplus
- HSUS demands USDA take action against two lab animal dealers
- Growing support for lab bill in Congress
- Dog poisoner arrested, convicted; Teenage boy receives HSUS reward
- Branch plans major expansion program; Area group formed
- Hundreds attend otter film's American debut by invitation of NHEC
- Prince protest reveals lack of concern for overworked horses
- First NHEC seminar draws students from over sixteen states
- Swelling affiliate list grows by two
- NHEC promises new education tools to further humane ethic
- New York case typifies how service dept. solves local problems
- BSA may help further attitudes of kindness among nation's youth
- HSUS branch wages successful campaign against bow hunting
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 14(5)" (1969). News of HSUS 1969. 1.