Document Type
Publication Date
- Endangered Species bill becomes law
- Introduction of new legislation stirs optimism and confidence in fight for lab animal protection
- Television documentary sparks effort to save Alaskan wolves threatened by bounty hunters
- Spot announcement for Kindness Club planned
- New England society wins praise
- Lesson to be learned from tie-up of Rodeo bill in Pennsylvania
- Florida investigation indicates unlicensed dealers still thrive
- Plight of Everglades wildlife largely ignored by authorities
- Early start vital for campaigns for Easter Chick laws to succeed
- NHEC readies humane education guides for national distribution
- Animal seizure forces win Canadian struggle
- Multiple activities spread Utah branch influence statewide
- NHEC classes filling rapidly; Register now
- Hickel yields to cattle barons but provokes strong opposition from animal welfare societies
- Drive for Tule Elk protection gaining ground in Congress
- Protests to Alabama officials help stop cruel coon contests
- Imaginative humane education concept succeeding in West
- Minnesota regulates snowmobiles; Branch activities helped
- Laboratory animal protection bills
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 15(1)" (1970). News of HSUS 1970. 2.