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Publication Date
- Rodeo cruelties hit hard in big crusade to arouse public anger
- Senate will consider law to stop shooting animals from aircraft
- Senator Cranston introduces new Nature Protection bill
- Notre Dame Law School working with HSUS on extensive law project
- HSUS wins court battle to stop public hunt in wildlife refuge
- Passage of Animal Welfare Act is significant step forward in struggle for animal protection
- Plan to attend annual HSUS conference this year in Rhode Island
- Two new affiliates accepted by HSUS
- California moves to protct animals in science education
- Humane demands for change in format in "American Sportsman"
- George Farnum dies; Well known A-V leader
- "Friends of Charlie" rally to save horse sold at farm auction
- Walking Horse bill pass by Congress
- Indianapolis society persuades Jaycees to stop shooting pigeons
- CBS Newscast stirs nationwide protest against game preserve
- Pennsylvania farmer charged with cruelty
- Regional meetings to help local societies planned during year
- New York's Mason Act held constitutional
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 16(1)" (1971). News of HSUS 1970. 1.