Document Type
Publication Date
- Wildlife expert named to staff
- HSUS asks federal court to stop poison program
- HSUS backs wild horse bills
- Commissioners enter deer preserve case
- Rodeo effort gains momentum
- Humane Society presses interior to halt blackbird killing plans
- HSUS begins effort to stop TV bullfight
- State, federal bills introduced to save California's Tule Elk
- Bill would protect animals in transit
- Society testifies for prohibition on aerial shooting of wildlife
- 10,000 rabbits clubbed
- Dog dealer convicted
- Six farms charges in zoo ship deaths
- Texas seminars begin 1971 education series
- HSUS assists Nelson in Trapping bill draft
- Washington state kills Game Preserve bill
- Effective bill sought to end seal killing
- McMahon says Pennsylvania dam would kill 353 wildlife species
Recommended Citation
"News ... of the Humane Society of the United States 16(2)" (1971). News of HSUS 1970. 4.