
WellBeing News


WellBeing News has carried several stories about global happiness (e.g., World Happiness Report), subjective well-being, and happiness research centers. Happiness (and subjective well-being) research is booming, but these are not the only ways to measure global well-being. The Social Progress Imperative is a US-based non-profit that assesses international, national, and local progress using non-financial measures. The organization is best known for the Social Progress Index, which measures societal well-being using three dimensions. These dimensions include – basic human needs (e.g., nutrition, shelter, clean water), foundations of wellbeing (e.g., access to knowledge & information, wellness, environmental quality), and opportunity (e.g., personal rights & choice, inclusiveness, and access to advanced education). In all, the Index includes 53 social and environmental indicators to determine “what life is like for everyday people.” The Social Progress Index (Index) measures outcomes rather than inputs but does not include individual happiness, life satisfaction, or income and investment measures. It is, therefore, a different measure than the happiness/subjective well-being reports described in previous newsletters.
